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Security FAQ

Security FAQ

Northwest is committed to ensuring efficient management and security of all campus technology resources to ensure the University's strategic goals for student success.  All individuals using Northwest-provided technology resources and accounts are required to support and abide by campus technology policies.

You, Northwest Technology Security & Frequently Asked Questions

The Office of Information Technology is dedicated to preventing and mitigating security risks through outreach, awareness, assessment, policy and best practices.

An important part of the solution is for you, the user, to be alert for fraud and adopt good online habits such as changing your password when you are concerned it may have been compromised.

Password Email Social Media

Never Do This!

  • Give to a stranger
  • Give to friends
  • Send in an email
  • Keep in a file on phone or computer  

Never Do This!

  • Send login credentials
  • Send social security number
  • Send banking or credit card info
  • Open links from unknown senders

Think Before You Do!

  • Friend strangers
  • Make angry or insensitive  posts      
  • Post too much personal info
  • Post revealing photos & videos

Will Northwest ever ask me to provide my login credentials in an email, email link or pop-up window?

No!  Northwest will never ask you to provide sensitive information like your login credentials, social security number or credit card information via email or random pop-up windows!  It's a scam!



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